This 'bare minimum' of information is the information needed to let Skip Ads for Youtube work. Skip Ads for Youtube will update its list with trackers each day and get the number of trackers detected in the website you're visiting. The 'bare minimum' information that Skip Ads for Youtube needs to work is:
Skip Ads for Youtube may make further requests to the ( website as required. These requests are subject to the usual ( privacy policy.
Date and time of each request
IP Address of your computer
An unique ID (random generated hash) to remember you
hostname to query our API and get the number of trackers we detected in the website you are visiting
We use the ID, date, time, and number of requests to get a sense of how our users are using Skip Ads for Youtube, to block crawlers and scrapers and for general statistics. The IP-addresses are solely collected for geolocation purposes but only on city level or higher (city, country, continent). We use the hostnames visited to make traffic estimations for websites, ads and trackers, so we can calculate how large the reach of each tracker or ad is. We use this information to maintain and extend our database with known ads and trackers. The information we collect is the same as with the 'bare minimum' (see above) but extended with:
Pages (full URL) on what ads and trackers are loaded
Services identified by Skip Ads for Youtube
Hostnames and domain names of trackers and ads identified by Skip Ads for Youtube
Cookies (names and values) set by each website, tracker or ad
Frames and their target information loaded by each website
Element types set by each hostname (images, scripts, fonts, etc)
To be clear, when you choose to share information with us, the list of attributes we collect is not about you. It’s about the ads and trackers that we want to find and monitor. The only way we will collect this tracker information is if you choose to share your information with us.
**Please note that we do not collect any personal information such as email, name or phone number**